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Book of Games & Scenes.png


Completion: April 2016

Instrumentation: Indeterminate Percussion (3 preferred)

Duration: Indeterminate

Premier: Premiered by Dan DeSimone, Mark Haygood, and Eri Isomura at Boston Conservatory, Boston, MA 04/27/2016


Book of Games and Scenes is piece that is really more about choreography.
Rather than performing a traditional piece, the musicians are given a set of rules in a musical game. One of the percussionists becomes the puppet. The puppet is activates by sounds played by the other percussionists. Each sound triggers a motion. The story and discovery of the connection between sound and motion is ripe for fun. This piece is very lighthearted and can go in so many wild and different directions.

View Score

I don't yet have a perusal score available for this work.

If you would like to view the full score, please reach out using the Contact Tab below.

Thanks for being interested in my work :)


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I don't have a recording of this work yet.

If you are interested in collaborating to make a recording,
please reach out!


To purchase this work, please contact me directly.

I offer both physical scores and digital downloads.

Copyright David Vess, All Rights Reserved

BMI Affiliated Composer

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